27 June 2010


List of things I love about Rome:

  • Constant rumble of traffic in the background.

  • Birds flying around everywhere: Seagulls by the Tiber. Pigeons in piazzas, pecking and cooing with their wobbly heads.

  • Big, sturdy architecture.

  • Crazy drivers living up to their stereotype and not respecting the pedestrian right-of-way.

  • Hearing church bells ringing in the distance.

  • Eavesdropping on conversations in Italian, even if I don't understand what they're saying. I love the air of mystery, the beauty of the way it sounds, its gusto.

  • The oculus of the Pantheon, like a gigantic eyeball staring down at me. I imagine it was quite imposing when Caesar was there and rays of sunshine were filtering through.

  • Walking along the sidewalk and making a game of what we were smelling--fresh baked dessert, something with vanilla? roasted nuts, sauteed garlic. Or the unmistakable whiff of fresh ground coffee beans wafting from a caffe...making my mouth water and kicking in an instant caffeine craving.

  • Looking at laundry hanging to dry outside on apartment balconies and dreaming up stories about the people who own them.

  • Italian men not afraid of wearing purple sweaters, in various shades of eggplant.

  • Campo dei Fiori--a big market set in a large piazza. Visiting makes for a very sensual experience, lots of mingling scents. Roasted meats. Fresh-cut flowers in a rainbow of colors. Fresh vegetables in different forms, varieties I've never seen before. Wanted to take them home with me, drizzle some olive oil on top and sprinkle with a dash of salt and pepper and put them in the oven for a bit to roast.

PS. If you go to Italy, try their cornflakes. Really. Italians have the best: thicky, sturdy flat tiles with a pronounced corn flavor.


Anonymous said...

This is a GREAT blog! I laughed when I read it and I loved reading it. The blog is very descriptive and funny. I want to fly to Italy RIGHT NOW!
--Brandon Ng from Ms.Lally's class

Anonymous said...

Hi I am Bhavik Jain, and I am a student of Ms. Lally. This is a Great Blog and I want to visit the places that you visited RIGHT NOW! I love how you put in that the crazy cab drivers don't respect, and how you eavesdropped on conversations in Italian and you did not even understand. I also loved how you put in the fact that the Italian men are not afraid of wearing purple sweaters, in the shades of eggplant.